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User Guide for Oil Tank Truck Operations

To ensure the cleanliness of the tank truck, the tank and the oil delivery system should be cleaned regularly. The joints at both ends of the oil delivery hose should be lubricated with oil frequently, making it easier to disassemble and assemble the tank truck. The oil pipe should be cleaned in time after each use to ensure the cleanliness of the pipe. Here are the correct ways to use the tank truck:

  • Use and maintain the oil pump of the tank truck strictly according to its operation and maintenance manual.

  • Before refueling, the tank truck must be grounded with an electrostatic rod inserted into damp soil. The ground bonding wire should be grounded and the electrostatic discharge should be maintained throughout the operation.

  • The safety valve and the filter screen of the tank truck should be checked and cleaned regularly.

  • The tank and pipeline system should be cleaned regularly. The tank truck should periodically check whether the various connections of the pipeline system are properly connected and the sealing is reliable.

  • The tank truck should install a dedicated static belt. When static electricity encounters a high concentration of combustible gas remaining in the car, causing an explosion, the space where static electricity is prone to generate due to frequent friction between the static belt and the vehicle body and other objects can effectively eliminate static electricity hazards and ensure the safety of the human body.

  • The tank truck should be equipped with a dedicated fire extinguisher and should be equipped with a trailing ground chain and electrostatic rod. When driving, the trailing ground chain should be in contact with the ground. When refueling or discharging oil, the electrostatic rod must be inserted into the damp soil.

  • The oil tank filling hole should be tightly sealed, the oil discharge valve and oil pipe should not leak, the vent hole of the oil tank should be unblocked, the oil pump inlet filter screen should be cleaned frequently, and the oil delivery hose should be immediately equipped with end caps after use, and no dirt must enter.

  • The carburetor and exhaust pipe of the internal combustion engine should not be annealed. The exhaust pipe should be installed in front of the vehicle.

  • The tank truck operators should not wear shoes with iron nails. Smoking near the tanker is strictly prohibited, and fire sources are also prohibited.

  • When parked, it should be far away from the fire source. In the hot season, it should be parked in a shaded area. During thunderstorms, it is not allowed to park under tall trees or high-voltage wires. When parked midway, there should be a dedicated person to monitor.

  • During maintenance, if the operator needs to enter the tank, carrying fire sources is strictly prohibited, and reliable safety precautions must be taken, and there must be someone outside the tank to supervise.

  • All electrical installations on the tank truck must be well insulated, and sparks are strictly prohibited. The working lighting should be 36V or less safety lamps.

  • When the sedimentation tank of the oil tank is frozen, it is strictly prohibited to use fire to thaw it. Hot water or steam can be used to melt it, or the car can be driven into a warm room to thaw it.

  • When doing maintenance or repairs under the car, the engine should be turned off, the handbrake should be tightened, and the wheels should be securely wedged.

  • When parked on a slope, the gearbox should be reversed for downhill parking, and the first gear should be used for uphill parking. Triangle wooden wedges or similar devices should be used to secure the tank truck tires.

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